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Removal and recycling of B11

In 93 days, AF removed platform B11 in the North Sea and sent 9,300 tonnes of material for recycling.

Project status

      Aug 2011
      Nov 2015

      About the project

      Planning, design, removal, source separation and recycling of the B11 compressor platform. A total of 9,000 tonnes was removed from the North Sea and transported to the AF Environmental Base at Vats for source separation. 98% of the steel was recycled for use in, for example, reinforcement iron in buildings.

      • Nr. 1

        AF and Statoil received Gassco´s HSE-award for the project achievement

      AF Gruppen

      Raunesveien 597, 5578 Nedre Vats

      No remaining traces

      B11 operated in the German sector of the North Sea from 1977. B11 was connected to the Norpipe gas pipeline, which runs from Ekofisk to Germany. The compressor on board B11 was available up to the point that the platforms were de-manned and disconnected from Norpipe in 2013. Through the Oslo–Paris Convention (OSPAR), Norway has committed itself to the responsible removal and recycling of platforms that are not in use. 

      AF received an initial commission from Statoil to remove the sister platform H7 in 2013 and developed a completely new method for removing the platform offshore. A jack-up ship, which is normally used to install ocean windmills, and which can stand on its own legs on the seabed, was used. The ship’s large cranes lifted the modules onto the ship’s deck as the platform was dismantled. 

      The same AF team designed and carried out the project. The transfer of knowledge from H7 meant that AF used 39 fewer days to remove B11 than H7. This equates to 30% less time usage. 

      The B11 platform was removed in 2015 within budget and the stipulated time frame, and without any lost-time injuries. 

      Project info

      Project type: Fjerning og gjenvinning offshore
      Business unit: AF Offshore Decom AS
      Customer: Statoil på vegne av Gassco

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