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Annual Report 2023

Entrepreneurial spirit and a value-based culture promote competitiveness and profitable growth.

Annual Report Documents 2023

  • Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability 2023

    Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability 2023

  • Diversity and Equality 2023

    Diversity and Equality 2023

  • Remuneration of senior executives 2023

    Remuneration of senior executives 2023

Letter from the CEO

  • Building for the future

    CEO Amund Tøftum describes 2023 as a year with highs and lows for AF: The overall profitability was impacted by the unsatisfactory performance of some projects, but large parts of the business have delivered very good results.


Key figures 2023

  • 30,530

    Revenues 2023 (NOK million)

  • 749

    EBIT 2023 (NOK million)

  • 41,991

    Order backlog in AF at the end of 2023

  • 0,8

    LTI-1 rate 2023

  • 4,1


    Absence due to illness 2023

  • 1,2

    Carbon footprint scope 1 and 2, 2023